How to Sneak Past Blink Cameras – A Complete Guide!

How to Sneak Past Blink Cameras – A Complete Guide!

Blink’s security outdoor, indoor, and mini cameras have revolutionized the home security systems hugely, becoming the best option for affordable and reliable home security. The Blink cameras are also top-rated because it is difficult to get past them unnoticed, which brings us to the question of how to sneak past blink cameras?

You can sneak past a Blink camera by leveling against the wall on which the camera is placed to get out of its view entirely so that it does not detect any motion. You can also try jamming, disarming, or hacking (not recommended, though) the Blink camera!

Let’s look at how you can try to sneak past the Blink camera! Keep reading to know all about it!

Disclaimer: Jamming or hacking wireless cameras or any other security system, for that matter, is considered highly unethical if you plan on trespassing on any other person’s property without their permission. I do not endorse it or promote it. However, this article is for you if you wish to sneak past the Blink cameras in your own home, say after curfew hours!

Yes, all Blink cameras come with a built-in motion sensor. These motion sensors can alert the owners through the Blink app as soon as any movement is detected, allowing them to retrieve the captured video clip of whatever triggered the alert based on the app’s settings.

The Blink cameras use ‘Pixel Difference Analysis’ or ‘Passive Infrared’ technologies to detect motion. Both of them can detect motion from around a reasonable 20 feet distance, based on different environmental factors such as the temperature, size of the moving object, and the camera placement. Let’s look at these technologies in detail:

  1. The Pixel Difference Analysis usually works by comparing the percentage in pixel change every time it detects motion according to the sensitivity level set by the user on the Blink app. The higher the level set on the app, the lower the number of pixels required to change before that motion is recorded in clips and detected.
  2. The Passive Infrared sensors detect the heat signature change and convert them into a detection alert. These sensors detect the infrared energy emitted from people, objects, animals, or vehicles in the form of heat. Passive Infrared sensors convert the change in temperature into infrared radiation that triggers the motion detection and sends an alert to the user through the Blink app.

Can you jam a wireless camera?

You can jam your wireless Blink camera and sneak past it once it loses its signal. You can jam most wireless cameras in similar ways. Here are 3 things you can do to jam a wireless camera:

Jamming wireless security camera by cutting off power

This method only comes to play when the camera is a Plug-in Wireless camera. You can shut down the camera and prevent it from recording footage by disabling its power. Simply plug the cable out of the socket or cut it.

Note: If the camera has a backup battery installed, cutting off the main power supply would not stop the wireless camera from being active and recording.

Jamming wireless security cameras by blocking the radio signal

This method is all about creating a blockage between the control panel and the wireless camera to prevent the signals from crossing. The jamming signal must be stronger to block the camera’s signal successfully.

You must look for the appropriate equipment to jam the signal effectively first and then know the level of frequency on which the camera is operating.

Note: The camera will continue to function normally if its transmission band has stronger signals than the interference generator.

Jamming wireless security camera by a de-authentication attack

This method works by breaking off the connection between the wireless camera and the router that it is connected to. The de-authentication attack is an ‘Internet Protocol’ that makes the router disconnect all its connected devices. This means this will only work for wireless cameras having a point-to-point connection.

You can disarm a Blink camera by disabling its Motion Detection. You can do this using the camera’s settings to turn off motion detection or tapping on the blue running icon above each camera. This icon will turn grey once disabled on the Blink app.

Here’s what you need to do to disarm the Blink camera using the Blink application:

  1. Launch the Blink app.
  2. Select your desired location by tapping on the arrow located at the top right of the screen
  3. Disable the motion detection using one of these two ways:
    1. Select the running icon on the right side of the camera name. (When the Blink System is enabled, the icon is shaped like a man running). The icon will be blue when enabled and grey when disabled.
    2. Launch the Blink camera’s settings. Select the toggle switch in Motion Settings next to the Enable Option. The icon will be blue when enabled and grey when disabled.

When you think of how to sneak past Blink cameras, one option that comes into your mind could be hacking it. You can hack them using either local hacking or remote hacking. Here’s how:

Local hacking

The hacker can access the local network in different ways. One way could be to use a Spoof Network to access the camera and block the real network while using a jammer to breach security.

Note: For local hacking, the hacker must be present in the physical range of the wireless network being used by the Blink camera.

Remote hacking

This method is often used to hack Blink cameras as the hackers can alter your camera settings and even lock the user out and take complete control of all the surveillance devices.

In remote hacking, the hacker can use Credential Surfing to get the login credentials through data breaches or other security gaps. This will allow the hacker to get the password of the Blink camera, and they can easily hack the wireless camera in a matter of minutes!

Moreover, there are numerous security vulnerabilities in the Blink cameras. One of the most common vulnerabilities is Lateral Access. This enables one camera to give access to other Blink cameras if they are connected to the same network. It can also give hackers access to your other smart devices, including Alexa and smart door locks.

The disarm option on the Blink camera means that the system is not detecting any motion or recording. The notifications will be disabled because of no detection; however, surveillance can be monitored using the live view.

No, you cannot disarm one Blink camera separately. All cameras active on the Blink module will disarm and arm simultaneously if you follow the conventional way. However, you can create a camera’s own Sync Module and disarm it by disabling motion detection.

It means that the camera is now active for detecting any motion.

Any motion detected by the Blink camera will be recorded as a clip, and the user will also receive a pop-up notification. When the Blink camera is armed, the toggle button motion icon will be colored blue, and the camera will be watching for motion.

Blink camera flashes a red light when looking for a connection, during the system changes, during setup or if your camera is running low on battery. If the red LED does not flash while the camera seeks connection, removing a battery and replacing it can usually help.

The blue light in the Blink camera flashes when the camera detects some motion or movement; it will continue to flash if that movement continues.

Blink cameras are vulnerable to hacking and can be tricked into not catching you if you level yourself against the wall and escape their field of view.

Blink cameras use infrared to detect motion. They contain a passive infrared sensor that observes heat signature change to check for movement.

No, Blink cameras do not record all the time. However, you can leave them recording for any amount of time.

The Blink camera is recording if its blue light is on.

To sneak past a blink camera, the simplest method is that you make sure to stay out of its view so that it does not detect any motion or movements.

However, other ways, including jamming or disarming the Blink cameras and breaking off its internet connection can always help you sneak past them! I don’t recommend these unless you’re trying to sneak past your own Blink cameras, though!

Immad Amir

Immad is a tech geek who loves the role of automation in his life. He believes that everyone should automate their roles in every part of their routine to spare some time for family and friends. Immad started HomeRook because he wants all the tech savvy individuals to automate their roles and focus on things that are significant in life.

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